Saturday, July 4, 2009

It doesn't get much better than this...

I am looking forward to the day when we will see 2 billion pageviews a day,(1,999,999,927 of them being from Knepp) because this is as good as epic. The wad of cash in your underwear drawer (or even the refundable $200 UFL FatHead Gift Card) won't be able to buy us out in a matter of hours. I look forward to sitting poolside with my good friend CW, martini in hand, enjoying the sub-zero weather that is Minnesota. Jared would recommend taking a dip in the acre-sized swimming hole, but meatwad would complain about how the one-hundred dollar bills are too cold, while in reality, he would just be insecure of his appearance in a bathing suit. Then we would all start cracking Michael Jackson jokes with Jeremy, and develop theories about where the &#*$ Kenny is.

This is 1 million percent unexaggerated.


  1. I don't see how this doesn't come true.

  2. hehehe. Bigface fell for my invisible language. Either that, or he's embarrassed about the swimsuit truth.

  3. I know many Michael Jackson jokes.
